Your Journey to a Happy Menopausal Skin…

Menopause …At long last it’s finally not the taboo subject it once was. The hormonal changes all women go through at this time are now being talked about and addressed.

How I can help during menopause ? As a skincare therapist my interest is helping women through their skin concerns, understanding the changes and helping to adapt salon treatments and home care to suit your changing and often hot skin!

All women will go through the menopause and everyone’s experience will be unique to them. Skin concerns at this time are often not immediately linked to menopause but common changes are:




Itchy skin


Loss of elasticity

Lines and wrinkles


The good news is all these concerns can be managed.

Understanding Why?

Menopause is directly related to the changing hormone levels in our body leading to a decrease in the production of the hormones oestrogen and progesterone. This decline can have a major impact on the health of our skin. We already know the affect hormones can have on the skin because certain hormonal disorders such as PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome) are known to manifest themselves in the skin and hair. It is therefore no surprise that our skin will change with menopause. It is a natural part of ageing and usually occurs between 45 and 55 , In the UK the average age for the menopause is 51. Unless brought on by surgical intervention there are three stages of menopause , peri menopause, menopause a post menopause.

Lower oestrogen leads to less collagen production. Collagen makes up over 80% of our dermal skin and helps to preserve skin elasticity and hydration. A clinical study shows that 30% of dermal collagen is lost in the first 5 years of menopause resulting in a faster acceleration of skin ageing at this time. Our skin will appear thinner with more wrinkles and loss of tone.

Lower Oestrogen and Progesterone can be associated with menopausal symptoms such as night sweats, broken sleep patterns, fluid retention and weight gain. All of which contribute to accelerating the ageing process and changes in the appearance of the skin.

The importance of ‘self care’

Self care and wellbeing are not to be underestimated. Hormones are directly responsible for everything we think and feel. During menopause the whole body and mind will go through changes. Being kind to yourself and making healthy diet and lifestyle choices can be very beneficial. Many women can be affected by low mood and finding activities and ways to relax play such a vital role in your overall health and wellbeing.

Facial Yoga is especially beneficial at this time. Using a combination of exercise, massage, acupressure, relaxation and well being techniques to naturally help to firm, tone and give the skin that ‘glow’. Practised regularly facial yoga gives fabulous results. Combined with salon treatments and results driven skincare it is the perfect way to not only look good but feel good too.. We can not stop the ageing process but we can certainly make it a smoother journey.

‘Getting back your Glow’

Rather than jumping to more invasive procedures addressing your skins health and adjusting your skin care regime first can make all the difference, reducing the need for ‘a quick fix’. Salon treatments are most effective when they are followed by home care which focuses on products with ingredients targeted to help specific concerns. Facial yoga is also a fantastic way to promote a healthy glow. Many years of experience has also shown that including relaxation in all skin treatments gives my clients even greater results.

Something to try…

A lovely client of mine gave me this recipe many years ago. She ate a slice a day and totally believed it helped with her menopause symptoms. Now 20 years later i’m trying it for myself.

‘The Menopause Cake’

100g soya flour | 100g wholewheat flour | 100g porridge oats | 100g linseeds | 50g sunflower seeds | 50g pumpkin seeds | 50g sesame seeds | 50g flaked almonds | 2 pieces stem ginger, chopped finely | 200g raisins | Approx 3/4 litre soya milk | 1tbs malt extract  | 1/2 tsp nutmeg | 1/2 tsp cinnamon | 1/2 test ground ginger

Put dry ingredients into large bowl and mix thoroughly, then add soya milk and malt extract. Mix well and leave to soak for about half an hour. If mixture is too stiff add more soya milk. Spoon into loaf tin lined with greaseproof paper and oil. Bake in oven at 190 deg for 1 1/4 hours or until cooked through ( test with skewer). Turnout and leave to cool. Eat on its own or with a spread of your choice. Ideally eat a slice a day.

Nuts and seeds are good sources of protein, healthy fats, fibres, vitamins, and minerals. nuts and seeds such as pumpkin, sunflower, almonds contain vitamin E, zinc and calcium. These nutrients and the oils in nuts and seeds may help prevent dry skin and normalise hormone levels.

If you have any questions or need any advice

please call 07946 33 03 37 or email