My Skin Therapies

Microcurrent “The Energy Facial”

‘A Game changer in Skin Treatment'

Utilising the exclusive Dynamic Intelligent Microcurrent with Multi-Signal Channeling technology, this facial treatment machine stands out as a game changer in the skincare industry.

But what exactly does this mean?

Our Neurotris facial machine employs advanced skin composition analysis technology, enabling it to identify the impedance and resistance of each client's skin. This information is then utilised to precisely deliver tailored signal levels, ensuring optimal results for every skin type.

Microcurrent helps to tone and train your facial muscles. The treatment acts as a ‘workout’ for your muscles and with regular sessions leads to longer lasting results. It helps to encourage lymphatic drainage, aiding redness, puffiness and enhancing circulation. Raising ATP levels (Adenosine Triphosphate, the molecules that transport chemical energy within our cells.) you are supercharging the production of collagen and elastin, which in turn helps to soften lines and wrinkles and can help to rediscover those lost cheekbones!

All skin types can benefit from this treatment. For a mature skin it gives an instant glow and is a safe alternative to invasive procedures and fillers.I recommend a course of treatments followed by maintenance treatments every 2 to 4 weeks.

‘First we had the Portable Phone, then there was the Flip Phone, now we have the Smart Phone.’

‘First there was Microcurrent, then there was TRUE Microcurrent, now we have Dynamic Intelligent Microcurrent. You can stay with the Flip Phone or go with the Smart Phone, 

Only with NeurotriS.

NEW* Introducing…

PICO TONER microcurrent machine

The ‘all-new’ PICO TONER microcurrent machine for home use will help maintain salon results in between treatments.

NeurotriS introduces the worlds most advanced personal face & body toner. The NeurotriS PICO Toner™ is the only hand held microcurrent device intended for home use that uses personal Silver Gloves™ to bring back the natural "glow" of youthful hues for a more youthful appearance. The patented NeurotriS Silver Gloves™ are designed to deliver the specific preset signatures evenly allowing for more improved results!

The purchase price of the Pico toner is just £599.00 which includes a ‘face-to-face’ or Zoom appointment to go through the specifics on how to use the microcurrent device for your individual needs. To enquire about Pico Toner or to purchase the device just click the link below.

My Signature Facial Massage

With so many advances in technology today it can be easy to forget the amazing benefits that massage therapies can bring. Massage has such a positive effect on the skin and the mind. I consider it to be an essential part of any treatment because you are unable to achieve fantastic results without easing away facial tension first. My facial massage incorporated into you treatment created for your specific skin concerns will leave you feeling like no other!

Using massage technique that works on all layers of the skin and connective tissue. Lifting and softening muscles, and trigger point pressure. This helps to ease away facial tension with wonderful anti ageing benefits improving circulation and lymphatic drainage.

This facial contour massage can also be delivered with microcurrent for even greater results!

Facial cupping

As a stand alone treatment or incorporated into your bespoke facial, this wonderful technique helps brighten the skin, boost collagen production, reduce puffiness or dark under eye circles.

Specialist facial for those living with or beyond cancer.

I am fully qualified in the Jennifer young facial treatments for those living with or beyond cancer. Using 100% natural products the facial can be carefully adapted to suit your individual needs.

 A luxurious facial created with rejuvenation in mind. Specialist techniques are used to restore, lift and improve the flow of energy and nutrients to the face and scalp. Soothing massage, gentle acupressure, energetic crystals and therapeutic natural products combine to make this a powerful anti-aging experience.  

For those who have experienced hair loss or desire extra revitalisation i can extend the treatment to include the scalp, heightening the indulgence of your experience.

Facial Yoga

Whether you have time for a full face work out or just a few specific exercises, facial yoga practised regularly is an excellent way to naturally achieving a healthy, toned skin and the key to a wonderful ‘glow’.

Sonoporesis and Iontophoresis


Dual Technology using the power of sound waves and iontophoresis during the facial helps to products penetrate further into the skin making a treatment 40 times more effective than if you were to manually apply serums.

LED… Get ready to glow

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Dermalux LED Phototherapy is a non-invasive treatment that uses clinically proven therapeutic light energy to trigger the skins natural rejuvenation and repair processes without pain or downtime. From the first treatment, Dermalux instantly boosts the complexion to restore vitality and glow. A treatment course offers cumulative benefits and can be targeted to specific skin concerns for the face and body with lasting and visible improvement. We believe everyone deserves beautiful skin. Discover the benefits of Dermalux as part your essential skin health regime.

How does it work?

Our skin has the ability to absorb light energy and use it to stimulate or regulate essential cell processes. LED Phototherapy is the application of beneficial wavelengths from the visible and infrared part of the light spectrum which have proven skin enhancing benefits. Skin cells that are energised function better and can renew up to 200% faster accelerating regeneration and repair.

What are the benefits?

Dermalux uses unique combinations of clinically proven Blue, Red and Near Infrared wavelengths to boost collagen production, increase hydration, calm redness and irritation and blitz blemish causing bacteria. As the light triggers a whole cascade of skin enhancing processes, the benefits continue even after the treatment has finished.

What does the treatment involve?

Dermalux is a relaxing, pain free experience with proven mood enhancing effects. Enjoy some luxury me-time as your skin absorbs the energising light to kick start cell regeneration, calm irritation or restore radiance. Each treatment lasts up to 20 minutes and with no downtime, you can simply get up and glow!

Proud to work with…

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